Escuela De Artes Marciales Achinech. The school “Escuela De Artes Marciales Achinech”
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- Escuela De Artes Marciales Achinech. The school “Escuela De Artes Marciales Achinech”
Escuela De Artes Marciales Achinech. The school "Escuela De Artes Marciales Achinech" was founded in 2008 on the island of Tenerife, Spain and is the successor and custodian of the traditions of European chivalry. The first persons of the school are Maestro Palmero Ramos and Grand Maestro Oleg Maltsev. In 2017 the school "Destreza Achinech" was established with the guidance of Maestro Alexey Yavtushenko, who is an official representative of the Spanish school in the Russian-speaking area. By means of studying the genuine history and the restoration of the complete Spanish military system of the Charles V era, the school carries a cultural and historical function. One masters the handling of all types of traditional Spanish weapons (garotte, tolete, masa, vara, firiaky), and also handling bladed weapons (Navaja, Canarian knife, stone knife, grappling sword, two-handed sword and an epee). The school implements the educational function through scientific research, cultural and historical seminars. Last year, together with the Research Institute of World Martial Art Traditions and Criminalistic Research of Weapon Handling, fencing science founding fathers’ fundamental works were translated into the Russian language for the first time, namely the works of Jerónimo de Carranza and Don Luis Pacheco de Narvaez. In such a manner, the popularization of Spanish culture and knightly traditions takes place. With the purpose of realizing the social and public function, the school representatives regularly work with the younger generation, nurturing nobility, humility, pride of their history and devotion to traditions.
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